Thursday 25 August 2022



The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen (2 Corinthians 13:14).

Your highest calling as a Christian is fellowship with the Lord. Without fellowship, nothing you do on earth is esteemed in Heaven. To fellowship with Jesus is to fellowship with the fullest revelation of the essence of deity. But you see, you can’t fellowship with Him except through the Holy Spirit.

That’s why I often wonder why some people think they don’t need the Holy Spirit. There’s nothing more void than a life without the Holy Spirit, because He’s the author of life. Without Him, all you have will be darkness. He’s the One who gives you light and quickens the Word of God in your heart. God’s Word won’t mean anything to you without the insight and revelation the Holy Spirit gives.

The Bible says His words are life to those that find them (Proverbs 4:22); and the way to find them is through the Holy Spirit. Your desire should be to fellowship more with the Holy Spirit every day; I mean fellowship with participation, where you’re actively engaged with Him in a romance of righteousness.

The glorious thing about this is that, for all the successes that you achieve through the guidance and wisdom you receive as you fellowship with Him, He gives you the credit. Another beautiful impact of your fellowship with Him is that you become so mingled with Him that your body becomes His body; your tongue becomes His tongue, your hands, His hands, and your feet, His feet. Hallelujah!

In this kind of relationship, every limit and barrier is taken off your way; you experience nothing but progress in life. You’re so full of His glory and wisdom that they overflow from you to others. He takes over your life and you experience unprecedented manifestations of His power that causes many to wonder at you. These and more are what fellowship with the Holy Spirit will bring to you. Praise God!

Fellowship means oneness. It’s a coming together; a union. it also means being in the same class with God.

We’ve been brought into an inseparable oneness with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. No wonder Peter calls us “comrades of the God-kind”; partakers of the divine nature. The Bible says, in (1 Corinthians 1:9)
“God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord”.
In this teaching by Pastor Chris titled ‘Heaven in you’, you will come to understand the life we have been called to live by as Christians here on earth through the Holy Spirit, because the Christian life is not possible without the Holy Spirit.

“Heaven is a spiritual realm that controls the earth; the earth cannot function without a heaven”. – Pastor Chris

How could you be broke, poor, or live an ordinary life, when you’re in fellowship with God? Part of what that means is that you’re a joint-heir with Christ! Everything that belongs to Jesus Christ belongs to you, that’s the grace of Jesus Christ. He’s brought you into oneness with Himself. The world belongs to you. Live and walk in this consciousness.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God (Romans 8:14).

God guides you through your spirit, and not your mind, and He seeks to lead you, primarily through the inward witness. This is the most important leading of the Spirit of God in your life and it’s available to every Christian.

Now, there’s a difference between the inward witness and the inward voice. Have you ever heard someone say, “Something told me to move from there; and as I moved forward, a terrible accident happened behind?” It’s not “something” speaking. That’s the inward voice; the voice of your spirit. When the inward voice talks to you, it’s a little authoritative. You could suddenly hear a voice from inside say, “Get up! Go and turn off the gas in the kitchen.” People have lost money, businesses, jobs etc., because they didn’t listen to that voice.

The inward witness, on the other hand, isn’t a voice, but a consciousness of guidance from your spirit. Imagine that you were contemplating going somewhere or buying a property; or maybe you had two jobs offered to you at the same time and you’re not sure which one to take. At such a time, what you need is to recognize the inward witness. How does the inward witness function?

You’ll discover that when you pray, a consciousness of joy wells up in your heart within the direction that God wants you to go. Sometimes, your head or mind may not agree, but the inward witness just bears witness within you that this is the direction. If for any reason, you consider going in the opposite direction, you’ll find a dampening of your spirit, not your mind. Each time you pray, the witness will come as though with hesitance and reluctance. That means it’s a “no.”

Some people have forced themselves to go against the inward witness, and they missed God. Some even wait for spectacular signs, saying, “Lord, if a dog barks at 3am from the right side of my compound, I’ll know it’s you.” God doesn’t lead us like that.

Through the Word and inward witness, the Holy Spirit leads and guides you from glory to glory. Train yourself to listen to the inward witness and the inward voice; it’ll save you from unnecessary problems in your life. You’ll have a glorious, successful and victorious life, if you’d learn to trust and follow the inward witness, and the inward voice.

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints (Ephesians 6:18).

The more time you spend in fellowship with the Lord through prayer, the more His character and personality are revealed in and through you. This is one of the most exciting benefits of prayer. Through prayer, your spiritual antenna is raised to pick God's thought and think like Him. Some people only pray when they're compelled to do so by certain challenges they face in life, and that's not right. As Christians, we were called into fellowship with our heavenly father. 

You get to know the Lord and love Him more as you fellowship with Him through prayer and study of the Word. Praying, and praying the right way, is an important activity in the life of every Christian. It makes your life beautiful, vibrant, and exuberant with praise at all times. Take your personal times of prayer, devotions, and meditation very seriously. Create the opportunities in the course of your day to fellowship with the Lord through prayer. 

When you pray often, especially in the spirit, you'll live with a pure heart toward all men; you won't criticize others as you will see only the good in them. Learn to intercede for others more than ever before.

1 Timothy 2:1 says, " I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be make for all men." Take this domination of the Spirit seriously. Consciously practice this today! Take some time to pray for those around you, and for those in distant lands; it's your priestly responsibility to do this.

As you spend more time in prayer, your life will flourish from glory to glory because prayer is more than just an opportunity to get God to do something for you! It's a time to commune with the Lord and bask in rich spiritual consciousness; so give more time and attention to prayer. May God strengthen us to pray in Jesus name.  Hallelujah!!!!!!! 

He who speaks in a [spiritual] tongue edifies and improves himself… (1 Corinthians 14:4).

The importance of praying in tongues can never be overemphasized. As a Christian, to significantly improve your spiritual growth and comprehension, praying in tongues is an extremely vital element. But sadly, there’re those who say, “Well, our church doesn’t believe in speaking in tongues.” Understand that speaking in tongues isn’t a denominational phenomenon. Every Christian ought to speak in tongues! That’s where the secret of power is.

Our opening verse says, “He who speaks in a [spiritual] tongue edifies and improves himself….” The question is, do you want to improve yourself? Do you want to operate at a new level of spiritual maturity and efficiency? Do you desire to make tremendous progress and take giant strides in all affairs of life? Speaking in tongues will help. The Bible says, “But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit” (Jude 1:20 AMPC).

Praying in tongues will help you make progress, and cause you to rise like an edifice, higher and higher. The more you pray in tongues, the more sensitive you are to the Spirit, to receive and follow His guidance in all you do.

For example, maybe you don’t yet know the precise steps to take to expand or advance your ministry, business, or career in the coming year; take some time to speak in tongues. You’ll have spiritual insight and foresight.

Another important advantage of speaking in tongues is that it charges you up, like a battery. And when a battery is fully charged, it works effectively and lasts longer. Satan may throw darts at you, to distract you, but praying in the Holy Ghost makes you formidable; you’ll be able to withstand anything, and resist every evil.

Any time you face challenges in your life, get into your closet, and speak in tongues; charge yourself. When you’re done, you’ll be filled with the wisdom to prevail and excel. Keep yourself perpetually “high” on God’s power by speaking in tongues always!


GRACE: GOD’S GIFT TO YOU  But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ (Ephesians 4:7) Romans 5:17...